• 無以接枝的慾望
  • 遺留的芥蒂


LIN Yi-Pei
台灣 / 1991
2017 畢業於國立台北藝術大學美術創作研究所繪畫組,台灣 M.F.A. Program, Department of Fine Arts, Taipei National University of the Arts, Taipei, Taiwan
2013 畢業於國立嘉義大學視覺藝術系中西繪畫組| B.F.A., Department of Visual Art, National Chiayi University, Chiayi, Taiwan
1991 出生於臺灣屏東| Born in Pingtung, Taiwan

Solo Exhibition
2019 揚起韶光的扉頁,伊日藝術,臺北,臺灣| Blow over the Day, YIRI ARTS, Taipei, Taiwan
2017 最後一頁麥德布魯,伊日藝術,臺北,臺灣 The Final Mild Blue, YIRI ARTS, Taipei, Taiwan
2015 離情散記,伊日藝術,臺中,臺灣 Sorry to be leave, YIRI ARTS, Taichung, Taiwan
2014 在盎然邊緣,伊日藝術,臺北,臺灣 Near the green, YIRI ARTS, Taipei, Taiwan

Group Exhibition
2018 青春殘酷物語,伊日藝術,高雄,臺灣| Cruel Story Of Youth, YIRI ARTS, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
2016 HOPE 0206 藝術攜手義賣展,伊日藝術,臺北,臺灣 HOPE Charity Exhibition, YIRI ARTS, Taipei, Taiwan
2015 焦慮的閒情專家,地下美術館,臺北,臺灣 Lifestyle Guru Haunted by Anxiety, Underground Museum, Taipei, Taiwan
2015 顯 隱:這個 OO 的世代,彰化縣立美術館,彰化,臺灣| Explicit & Crypic The OO Age, Changhua County Art Museum, Changhua, Taiwan
2015 文化部藝術新秀成果聯展,華山文創園區,臺北,臺灣| New Artist 2015, huashan1914 creative park, Taipei, Taiwan
2014 文化部藝術新秀成果聯展,華山文創園區,臺北,臺灣| New Artist 2014, huashan1914 creative park, Taipei, Taiwan
2013 蛤 the clam ,臺北藝術大學,臺北,台灣 the clam, Taipei National University of the Arts, Taipei, Taiwan
2013 未完成,國立嘉義大學,嘉義,臺灣| Unfinished, National Chiayi University, Chiayi, Taiwan
2012 我們都是這樣長大的,嘉義,臺灣| When We Were Young, Imimico Café, Chiayi, Taiwan

2021 藝術銀行 110 年度作品購藏計畫,文化部| Art Bank Collection Program, The Ministry of Culture, Taipei, Taiwan
2020 高雄獎,空間性藝術入選,高雄市立美術館| Selected Award of Kaohsiung Award, Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
2016 藝術銀行 105 年度作品購藏計畫,文化部| Art Bank Collection Program, The Ministry of Culture, Taipei, Taiwan
2014 藝術銀行 103 年度作品購藏計畫,文化部| Art Bank Collection Program, The Ministry of Culture, Taipei, Taiwan
2014 藝術新秀創作發表補助計畫,視覺藝術類,文化部| Subsidy of Visual Art, My first Show: New Artists Funding Program, The Ministry of Culture, Taipei, Taiwan
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