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  • 肖像圖書室
  • 行為示範


Shih Yung-Chun
台灣 / 1978
1978 年出⽣於臺灣臺北

2003 畢業於國⽴臺灣藝術⼤學美術學系

2011   Geisai Taiwan #3 台開獎,臺灣
Tai Kai Award, Geisai Taiwan #3, Taiwan 2009 Geisai Taiwan #1 台開獎,臺灣
Tai Kai Award, Geisai Taiwan #1, Taiwan

2021 過度換氣,上海⽟蘭堂畫廊,上海
Breath Under Masks, HiArt space, Shanghai 2021 試鏡表格,伊⽇藝術計劃,臺北
Resume, YIRI ARTS, Taipei 2019 預售屋,蜂巢藝術中⼼,北京
Pre-construction, Hive Gallery, Beijing 2016 家庭代⼯,798 ⽟蘭堂畫廊,北京
Family Handcraft, 798 Line Gallery, Beijing 2015 遊戲⼿冊,藝術創庫畫廊,香港
Game Instructions, Art Experience Gallery, Hong Kong 2014 古道具店鋪計畫,古道具,臺北
Delicate Vintage Shop Project, Delicate Vintage Shop, Taipei, Taiwan 2013 雜貨鋪−時永駿個展,⼀票⼈票畫空間&畫庫,臺北
Zakka, Piaopiao Gallery, Taipei
2012 肥皂劇—時永駿作品展,798 ⽟蘭堂畫廊,北京Soap Opera, 798 Line Gallery, Beijing
2005 捨不得遺忘,那麼,再看⼀次−時永駿個展, ⾃強貳捌肆 ,臺北Reluctant to Forget, Then, Look at It One More Time, Tzi-Chong 284, Taipei
2020 ⽕星⼈類學家,臺北
To Martian Anthropologists, NTPC Art center, New Taipei City 2018 你才藝術家,你全家都藝術家,福利社,臺北
How do you Define ARTIST?, FreeS Art Space, Taipei 2018 古道具,伊⽇藝術計劃,臺北
Antique, YIRI ARTS, Taipei, Taiwan 2018 青春殘酷物語,伊⽇藝術計劃,⾼雄
Cruel Story of Youth, YIRI ARTS, Kaohsiung 2015 荒謬劇,伊⽇藝術計劃,⾼雄
The Theater of The Absurd, YIRI ARTS, Kaohsiung 2016 HOPE-0206 藝術攜⼿義賣展,伊⽇藝術計劃,臺北
HOPE- Charity Exhibition, YIRI ARTS, Taipei
2013 Hidden Track−潘蔚然、時永駿、許劍豪、劉珮瑤聯展,藝術創庫畫廊,香港Hidden Track, Art Experience Hong Kong, Hong Kong
2012 未來通⾏證,今⽇美術館,北京
Future Pass, Today Art Museum, Beijing 2012   時代的容顏,⼀票⼈票畫空間&畫庫,臺北
The Face of Time, Piaopiao Gallery, Taipei
2012 ⼜遠⼜近−亞洲青年藝術家群展,798 ⽟蘭堂,北京
Near of Far−Group Exhibition of Young Artists, 798 Line Gallery, Beijing 2010 當代圖像−聯展,TIN ART 當代藝術空間,臺中
Contemporary Images, TIN ART Contemporary Art Space, Taichung 2003 繪畫性,台北藝術⼤學南北畫廊,臺北
Painting, South-North Gallery of Taipei National University of the Arts, Taipei 2003 Working Museum,打開當代藝術⽂化⼯作站,臺北
Working Museum, Open Contemporary Art Center, Taipei 2003 院⼦成員展,25 院⼦展演所,臺北
Group Exhibition of the Yard, Working Museum, Taipei 2003 居住狀態,⾃宅實驗展場,臺北
Living Condition, House Experimental Exhibition Space, Taipei 2003 過程性,打開當代藝術⽂化⼯作站,臺北
Process, Open Contemporary Art Center, Taipei 2002 板橋故事,板橋社區⼤學,臺北
Story of Banqiao”, Banqiao Community College , Taipei 2002 壹樓室內,打開當代藝術⽂化⼯作站,臺北
First Floor Indoor, Open Contemporary Art Center, Taipei 2016 HOPE-0206 藝術攜⼿義賣展,伊⽇藝術計劃,臺北
HOPE- Charity Exhibition, YIRI ARTS, Taipei 2016 123 ⾃由⽇,新板藝廊,臺北
123 Free Art Fair, New Taipei Gallery, Taipei 2015 ⼭海經,伊⽇藝術計劃,⾼雄
2015 覺知⼈稱,台北世界貿易中⼼,台北Perception, TWTC, Taipei

Public Collections
2019 莊園,⽩兔美術館,澳洲
Manor, White Rabbit Gallery, Australia 2019 莊園(裝置),⽩兔美術館,澳洲
Manor(installation), White Rabbit Gallery, Australia 2019 櫃⼦裡假扮的⼈,⽩兔美術館,澳洲
Braid Cabinet, White Rabbit Gallery, Australia 2019 編髮櫃,⽩兔美術館,澳洲
Dummies in the Cabinet, White Rabbit Gallery, Australia 2015 睡前運動-數⽺儀,⿓美術館,中國
Exercises Before Sleep ‒ Counting Sheep Instrument, Long Museum, China 2015 古道具店鋪計畫.E-鈕扣丟丟樂,⿓美術館,中國
Delicate Vintage Shop Project.E ‒ Button Throwing Competition, Long Museum, China 2010 素描作品(符號紀錄 2 號作品)典藏,國⽴歷史博物館,臺灣
Youth Arts Collection of Works, Sketches Collection, National Museum of History, Taiwan 2003 油畫作品典藏,雙和美展,臺灣
Oil Paintings Collection, Shuan-Ho Art Exhibition, Taiwan
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